Tuesday, February 12, 2008


how guilty a human can be
A story for my friends……

I have a friend
She is so nice to me
I feel lucky that I found her
When I’m down, she‘ll be by my side
She laughs for all the jokes I’ve made
Even most of the times,
Often I failed to find the funny part

I have a friend
She lights my day whenever I see dark cloud
She does shield me from the burning sun
She stands for me for any reason
She will make an effort to protect me

Be there's hell or high water
She umbrellas me from the heavy rain
She offers me comfort from the lightning and storm

I have a friend
There’s a day in our life
When I said that I will be standing for my right
I will be protecting my aurat and proud of my hijab
She replied that she will help me with all her strength
She will be supporting me regardless the condition
Even it means that she has to run a picket
She will happily do it for the sake of our friendship

But I’m not happy with it
Her very words brought silence in me
Listening to her sayings had bled my heart
I’m guilty to her
I have ignored her right
I have hidden the truth
I forget my responsible
I’m selfish

We are friends
We are in the same group
We have attended the same class
We have been helping each other for the rest of the year
We do respect one another
I told her my stories
The parents, siblings, school, study and friends
But indeed I never let her knows this one great thing
The most important and vital tale
The sacred saga of LA ILAHA ILLALLAH
The very true one and only story of
My religion, my faith and my soul
I flunk to introduce her, the beauty of Islam
How can I, o Allah, be so self-centered?
I’m sorry my friend, how guilty I am

selamat berdakwah (to "invite" people to understand the worship of Allah)

selamat mengislah (to purify, straightening our way of life)

semoga diberkati Allah

ya Allah, taqabbal minna du'aana

innaka antas sami'ul 'alim

o Allah, please accept our prayer

indeed You are all-listening, all-knowing

"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." - an nahl 16:125