Tuesday, August 28, 2007

aNaK keCiL itU...

“mak cik irah, nak tanya skit. Cikgu fikri cakap kat school yang we da Muslims tak bole ikut cara orang non Muslims, betul tak?”

dia yang baru je selesai breakfast and intended to read da newspaper dengan perlahan put it back on da dining table.

“yup dear,” jawabnya ringkas sambil merenung fikri. “it means yang kite pun tak boleh la nak kawin dengan diorang,” “again, u are rite young man.” Dia mengangguk. Mata masih memerhati fikri yang sibuk berfikir sambil mengerutkan kening.

“Fikri, now tell ur mak cik irah wut’s in ur mind, darling?” “tapi mak cik irah, apsal pulak tak boleh?” kali ni pandangan mata fikri jatuh tepat ke dalam anak matanya. Ok, now is da rite time for sum revelation on da 11 and ½ year-old school boy, a very heavy topic but in a pretty relaxing atmosphere of Sunday morning.

Orait, first clear da throat. “meh sini sit next to mak cik on da couch.” Daniel fikri dilihat perlahan turun dari seat di dining hall terus ambil tempat di sebelahnya. “ memula mak cik nak tanya fikri, wut do u understand bout marriage?” “ermmm, just like mak and ayah.” “ ok, if mak and ayah quarreling, fighting with one another, fikri suke tak?” “tak, fikri tak suke tengok orang gaduh. Fikri takut, nanti fikri nangis,” anak kecik itu mencebik sambil menggeleng kepala.

“That’s why tak boleh kawin orang yang different religion dengan kite. Kite tak nak nanti diorang fighting, quarreling sebab different ideology on how to run the life. Nanti tak pepasal their children plak will get da consequences, like wut u were saying just now. Takut nanti anak2 diorang rase takut, nak nangis tengok parents diorang macam tu.bukan tu je nanti diorang confuse mak ajar lain, ayah ajar lain ikut ajaran memasing”

“The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!” at Taubah (repentance) 9:30.

“do u get it babe?” tangannya diangkat untuk mengusap rambut fikri. Tubuh kecil itu ditarik perlahan rapat ke arahnya. “now look at me. Marriage is a very complicated story in human history. Sum times, bende kecik pun boleh jadik besar. Apentah lagi bende yang memang originally besar macam aqidah ni.aqidah means ape yang kite percaya. For the Moslems, we do believe that there is no God but Allah and da prophet Muhammad pbuh is da messenger of Allah. But not everybody shares da same thought with us, not everybody is in da same boat with us.” Dia berhenti sejenak, menghela nafas.

“Allah tu Tuhannya mak cik, Tuhannya mak and ayah, Tuhannya fikri forever. Tuhan sumer orang Islam. One and only. Nobody can take the belief away from u unless u let it. Even though how much u like a person in future, jangan sampai ur love for her overpowers ur love
to da Lord Above, clear yang?”

“Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause; - then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious.” At Taubah (repentance) 9:24

And Anis (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said:
"None of you will have faith until he has more love for me than for his parents, his children, and all humanity." (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

Ups, guess not. She saw fikri struggling to get her point. Ok, another shot, “macam ni, fikri kalau sayanggg sangat kat orang tu, ape fikri nak buat?” dengan berhati-hati dia bertanya. “fikri nak cherish orang tu, jaga dia, gembirakan hati dia, tak mo buat dia angry or sad dengan fikri..” “u’r rite indeed, fikri if possible nak always be with the fella kan?Bukan kat dunia je tapi kalau boleh fikri nak sama dengan dia kat dalam syurga gak kan, am I rite or am I rite?” sambil tangannya laju mencuit hidung fikri.

“mestila, teacher said orang yang baik tempatnye kat dalam syurga. Mesti la fikri nak dok kat tempat yang banyak orang baik,”balas fikri spontaneously sambil mengelak hidungnya dari dicuit. “okeh then wut ur teacher said bout orang yang tak beriman dengan Allah?” matanya kembali mencerun memandang fikri yang kembali mengerutkan dahi.

“If a person died without bear witnessing that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is da messenger of Allah then orang tu directly go straight to hell. Become hell-dweller forever.” “So, fikri suke tak if one day fikri get married with a non Moslem girl then at the end of da day, she can’t be with u in heaven. Fikri kene ingat even how big da sins u made as long as u still have ur belief, insya Allah fikri still stands a chance to enter heaven but it’s not applicable to ur girl...”

“oh, jadi if fikri still wanna be with da gal fikri kene kawin dengan Moslem gal jugak la,” huh, finally. “Yup love, so u got da point. This is not da issue of kebebasan beragama, individual right to choose any kinda way to run each life but ini issue kasih dan sayang. Harap berpanjangan sampai ke syurga.”

”Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness and a provision honorable” an Noor (the light) 24:26

Bahu fikri disentuh lembut. “bile Islam forbids interreligious marriage, tu bukan nak kongkong buat tu tak boleh, buat ni tak boleh. Marriage is a congregation. A good concrete congregation formed when everybody in it has one similar belief and driving force. Nak gembira kat dunia, nak bahagia sesama kat akhirat. Am i rite?”

Fikri mengangguk perlahan. Memula memang dah budget nak close da session tapi belum sempat nak bukak mulut fikri dah tanya another question, fikri...fikri. bertuah bijak bestari sungguh anak sedara yang sorang ni. “tapi if fikri dah suka sangat kat orang tu, camne? Macam kat tv, yang even though parents diorang tak kasik pun diorang memarah parents diorang, sian kat mak and ayah diorang...”

“if fikri suke kat orang tu, nak yang da best for da fella, jadi fikri kene work hard make sure dapat sama dengan orang tu kat akhirat. Bukan takat main doa je, tapi kene usaha. Bagitau kat dia pasal islam, belikan dia Islamic books yang dapat give correct interpretation of Islam, ajak pi seminar so that she could get to know Islam a bit deeper not merely on da surface, buy her Koran, da English version one and not to forget to watch out ur behavior as well young man. Jangan misleading buat perangai tak senonoh. Nanti orang ingat tu la Islamic teaching, dah jadi fitnah kat islam kan? Dosa tau give bad impression of Islam to others”

fikri tetiba je dia tengok macam dah mengantuk, overload new knowledge la ni. Berat sangat topic hari ni. Dia tak nafikan, nak jawab kat bebudak pun macam nak pi amik test anatomy, gelabah semacam je. Rase cukupla takat tu je untuk fikri ni, “okeh, last but not least, mak cik irah nak bagitau yang kasih sayang dalam islam sangat besar maknanya. Kenapa sayang orang tu, coz orang tu satu aqidah dengan kita. Sebab tu kite tak worry but more to concern, jaga dia so dia will always be on da rite track, kalau salah maafkan, kalau lupa ingatkan, kalau tatau tunjukkan. Slalu kene doa, tak boleh lalai supaya fikri, makcik irah, ayah, mak, opah and sumer orang yang kita sayangi sentiasa disayangi Allah jugak, supaya sumer boleh masuk syurga Firdaus jugak”

Dia tersenyum merenung fikri, “kadang2 tak on da spot Allah kabulkan doa kite. Jadik kene doa banyak kali, beribu-ribu kali, kene bangun malam, kene bersedekah, banyak2 buat baik dan jaga diri elakkan buat dosa barulah Allah nak perkenankan doa kite. Perhaps Allah nak dengar rintihan hambanya, yang sebelum ni tak pepernah pun nak meminta dengan bebetul mengharap...”

Fikri terdiam, tapi rase macam diam nak tido je. Mudah- mudahan he got da message. “ok la sugar. Makcik rase fikri is sleepy rite now. Nak continue sleeping ek? Now before u enter da hibernating mode, give me one sweet kiss on my cheek first.”

Huh, bebudak. Memang penat melayan tapi worth it. Time chatting dengan diorang la nak access their understanding and comprehension on Islam and other things too. Matanya memerhati fikri menaiki tangga, then terdengar pintu ditutup. Bacaan yang tergendala tadi disambung. May God bless u, my little nephew.

p/s: frankly speaking, kawin memang susah. Bukan takat issue gushing blushing lovey dovey, couple of da year, wedding of da year tapi more toward responsibilities. Nak mendidik dan asuh diri dan sorang lagi, barula namanya sehidup semati sesama di syurga. Kalau takat nak bersama and pull stop, kat neraka pun boleh together-gether.
Sum times it’s more difficult nak tegur da beloved ones when they made mistakes especially dalam hal2 amal maaruf nahi mungkar, lebih2 lagi dalam hal syariat, dalam bab hukum hakam. tak kan nak seselamba badak sumatera plak suh berenti smoking or cakap "eh tak kan tatau kut laki tak boleh pakai gelang and rantai la" on da spot or suh tutup aurat, pakai tudung on da dot.
We’re fear of uncertainty, scared of da reaction. Tapi kene ingat tegur tandanya sayang... bukan ke?

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